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Freelance product design and prototyping

The Studio Septentrion is an all-in-one product design and prototyping service. Working on specifications or from a simple concept, I can assist you through all of the design phases up to the fabrication of a functional prototype and the start of manufacturing. Graphic design, mechanical and electronic design, programming: everything is possible in order to make you idea into a reality!

I am a freelancer based in France, working mostly with American clients in the start-up scene. For EU and UK clients I also offer 3D printing and small-batch production services.

Série de prototypes d'extincteur connecté
Maquette de l'ISS imprimée 3D
Prototypage d'un extincteur connecté
Design de produit - test de prototype de bobineuse

Design consulting

The process of moving from a product concept to detailed technical specifications can be daunting for an entrepreneur. For this one must determine the exact characteristics that will define the product, which generally requires knowledge and skills in multiple fields of engineering. I therefore offer consulting and writing services in order to establish the technical specifications of your product prior to the design phase.

Dessin d'un modèle de perroquet à concevoir
Modèle 3D Blender d'un perroquet en cours de design de produit

This includes:

  • If needed, assistance in defining your market strategy and thus the technical characteristics that will be required
  • Deciding these characteristics in accordance with your priorities
  • Graphic design study and appearance suggestions
  • Feasibility study, including normative context
  • Writing the document itself

The detailed specifications will be the engineering basis upon which your project will be built. With them, you will be able to obtain quotes for the full product design and prototyping process from designers like myself.

Prototype imprimé en 3D d'un perroquet

Product design

Design de produit d'un circuit de bracelet sonore

Once the specifications have been decided, one must design the product itself. This normally requires several specialists, but I can offer a full-stack service:

  • Mechanical design: the product’s enclosure, its mobile parts but also its ergonomics, the position of user-facing components… This leads to the creation of 3D files and fabrication plans, whether it is for a prototype or mass production.
  • Electronic design: the choice of electronic components and their connection into circuits. This can range from pre-existing solutions such as Arduino-type micro controllers  to custom-made printed circuit boards. The output consists of pcb fabrication files and wiring diagrams.
Modèle 3D de bracelet sonore
Prototypage de bracelet sonore fini
  • Programming: writing the code that will manage the product’s micro controllers and processors. This includes external communications, such as bluetooth or wifi.

The various files coming out of the design phase will be used for the fabrication of prototypes as the project advances, and finally to launch mass production.


Prototype de machine à bobiner en fin de design de produit

Whether it is meant to test the product’s functions or to present to investors, prototyping is always a key phase in the design process. I have access to a variety of technologies in order to fabricate quality prototypes:

Modèle 3D en cours de design de produit
Machine à bobiner - prototypage
  • FDM and SLA 3D printing
  • CNC milling of wood and soft metals, laser engraving
  • Electronics assembly and testing equipment
  • Programmable micro controllers
  • Subcontracting contacts for pcb fabrication, SLS printing, heavy machining…
Électronique d'extincteur connecté - prototypage
Boutons connectés à Telegram

This will allow you to obtain physical rmodels of your product before it becomes necessary to risk the funds for manufacturing.

Some products are destined to remain a unique model, or to be built only in small series. In these cases the design process can end here at the prototyping phase.

Programme Arduino du prototype de bobineuse

Industrial fabrication

Once a product has been validated by one or more prototyping cycles, it is time to start mass production. This is the costliest phase of the process, which makes it all the more important to be properly accompanied through it. One begins by putting together a full manufacturing plan, including:

  • 3D files optimized for the chosen fabrication methods (plastic injection, CNC, 3D printing…)
  • Gerber and pick-and-place files for the engraving and population of the pcbs
  • The code to be uploaded into the micro controllers and processors

Starting from this plan, I can put you in contact with manufacturers in order to secure mass production quotes.

Plan 2D pour fabrication en série
Boîtier designé pour production en injection plastique
Boîtier designé pour l'injection plastique fermé
Design de produit - simulation d'injection plastique

Environment and solidarity

Clotilde avec son nouveau bras imprimé en 3D

I also participate in E-Nable, a charity making 3D printed prosthetic hands and arms for afflicted children. These are printed to the child’s scale, and controlled with rubber bands and fishing lines.

I made this prosthetic arm for little Clotilde in November 2020.

Le nouveau bras de Clotilde imprimé en 3D
Article Courrier de l'Ouest

The Covid crisis has been an opportunity for 3D printing to show its potential as a decentralized manufacturing method. Thousands of volunteers across France organized themselves to manufacture and donate protective visors. I personally gave almost 700, organized the distribution of an extra 600 and sold 300 to companies in order to finance the rest. Over a million such visors were donated in France alone over the duration of the crisis.

3D printing is a highly ecological means of production : material waste is very low, and the electricity use is lower than comparable manufacturing methods.

The main material I use, PLA and its derivatives, is a bio-plastic based on corn starch, and fully biodegradable. Some of my other filaments are also recycled.

Stock de visières impression 3D solidaires


Micro-entreprise inscrite au RCS de Maine-et-Loire, SIRET 840 758 841 00026